1212 W. Buckingham Rd., Garland, TX 75040
(972) 272-6042

Sunday Morning Service
In Person
8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
and on
Facebook Live at 11:00 a.m.
Buckingham United Methodist Church is working with our diverse community to provide a place of belonging to celebrate life in Christ
Contact Ann Banks & Stephanie Woodson
Anne Banks- I grew up in Big Spring, Texas and graduated from Texas Tech with a secondary education degree. I taught Government, Economics and World History at South Garland High School for 29 years and retired in 2002. Glenn and I have been married for 45 years and have one daughter and two granddaughters. I love to read, play bridge and other games. We returned to BUMC in 2008 after a 33 year absence. Glenn and I first started becoming active in the church by serving as ushers. Glenn became a trustee two years ago and I agreed to serve as a co-coordinator for Special Events beginning this year.

Stephanie Woodson- I am married to Roddy Woodson. I am a co-chair for BUMC Special Events Planning. Roddy and I have been married for 45 years this April 2013. I am retired from Garland ISD where I was a middle school secretary at Bussey Middle School for 23 years. I am a graduate of Spearman (TX) High School and West Texas State University, now called West Texas A&M, in Canyon, TX. Roddy and I have one daughter, Raegan, who is married to Josh Perry. They have two boys, Jake age 7 and Lucas age 8 months. These two boys make my heart smile! My “spare” time is spent hanging out with my mom, who will be 90 in May 2013, and my grandsons. I can be found playing Rummy Squares and Backgammon on my computer in the wee hours many nights!