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2017 Working with Juntos Servimos

Pictoral journey through our mission trip.

This is where you will find a lot of our mission trip pictures and descriptions of what we are doing.  Check back here during our trip to see what we are doing each day.

Sunday, June 18


Also, click here to check out the BUMCY instagram page (you can find a button for it on the main youth ministry page).  


We left church at 8:13 (but had to make a slight detour back to the McGill house for a cooler).  We stopped at 3 rest areas and got gas 3 times, and ate lunch at the Whataburger in Kyle (and changed a tire on the trailer).


We finally made it to FUMC San Benito at 7:30 where Rudy met us and helped us get settled in.  


We had Little Caesar's pizza for dinner and crawled into bed at 10:30.





Monday, June 19


Breakfast: Pancakes, Bacon, OJ/Milk/Coffee

Lunch: Roast Beef, Turkey, PB&J sandwiches, chips, cookies, water

Dinner: Spaghetti, Mac-n-Cheese, salad, bread, lemonade/water


We met in Brownsville at the Courage St. warehouse to start moving items from there to the 14th St. warehouse.  We loaded a full pallet of 96oz cans of hominy and filled the rest of our space with clothing.


We spent the day sorting clothing, shuttling hominy, and disposing of expired blood pressure medication.


We managed to tolerate the heat and humidity until 4pm when we headed back to San Benito for dinner, showers, and games.


Kevin had a recurrence of kidney stone movement. 


Tuesday, June 20


Breakfast: Sausage & biscuits, OJ/MIlk/Coffee

Lunch: See Monday.

Dinner: Beef&bean burritos (cheese quesadillas for Keaton), chips, salsa, & guacamole, limeade/water.


Kevin stayed at the church due to the lack of sleep and intense pain from stone movement.  The rest of the group went back into Brownsville and continued where they left off on Monday.


Larry Cox and his wife Dra. Nancy came to eat with us and explain what Juntos Servimos is about.


Kevin made the Sam's trip for the rest of the groceries for the week, and then we all went to Wal-Mart for our mid-week fun (and finishing off the groceries).  By this time, Kevin's pain was gone thanks in large part to Dra. Nancy's timely prescription of Tramadol.

Wednesday, June 21


Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, french toast, OJ/Milk/Coffee

Lunch: See Monday.

Dinner: Hotdogs/Hamburgers, tater tots, cupcakes, lemonade/water


We met at the Courage St warehouse, and loaded up all 3 vehicles with clothing to take to 14th St. Once again, we sorted clothing, then we got to start rearranging the warehouse.  After lunch, Tony and Kevin went looking to get a new tire for the trailer.  We managed to get the tire, now all we need is to find a spare to replace the no longer usable one that saved our trip down here. 

Thursday, June 22
(Schlitterbahn SPI)





Friday, June 23











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